Monte Carlo Simulation of Ionizing Radiation

We do all kinds of computer simulation about ionizing radiation, like radiation damage, radiation detection, radiation protection and radiation dosimetry, mainly by Monte Carlo (MC) simulation.

There are plenty of free MC code packages, why do you still need us?

Why You Still Need Us

People are saying that MC simulation is simple, it's just about counting numbers. Yes, MC simulation is just about counting numbers, it's very simple, so simple that it's not ready for your engineering needs yet. It demands sophisticated users.



If your MC simulation isn't accurate, don't question the MC tool, question the way you are using it. What does it need to simulate accurately?
* An accurate physics and geometry modeling. * Appropriate variance reduction techniques


For most free MC program packages, there are almost no good graphical user interfaces. One may need sufficient software skills to use these free packages.

Dedicated to Your Needs

Most of the free MC simulation program packages are generally purposed. They can do everything, thus they can't do anything for you. Because they have no understandings of your needs.

Combination with Other Physical Processes

Your engineering tasks may need not only radiation simulation, but something else, like charge carriers simulation, for example. Thus MC simulation isn't enough for your tasks. You need other tools.

What You can Do with Cogenda

Dedicated Software

For your own engineering needs, Cogenda can write dedicated software for you.
* Combination with other computation methods for multi-physics problems; * Parallel computation; * Graphical user interface for easy use; * Post-script interface for efficiency; * Supporting multiple platforms.

Develop Your Own Software

If you want to develop your own simulation software, you need some basic physics and mathmetics function libraries. Cogenda has professional experience on these fields.

Solving Problems of Radiation

If what you want is a director answer, just contact us.


Example 1: SEE Fully Physical Simulation

Fully physical simulation of SEE is a combination of energetic particle transport simulation and charge carrier transport simulation. What we do includes:

  • 3D modeling of the device;
  • MC simulation of energetic particle using Geant4 package;
  • MozzTCAD simulation of carrier transport;
  • An improved subset-simulation algorithm to reduce the computation cost

Example 2: Semiconductor Detector for Ionizing Radiation

Similar to SEE simulation mentioned above, the simulation of semiconductor detector is also the combination of MC energetic particle simulation and TCAD charge carrier simulation. The work flow of the solution is shown as following figure:


Example 3: Dielectric Charging

When energetic electrons penetrate in dielectric materialow is shown as following figure:

