Mozz TCAD : Process and Device Simulation

With the help of predictive computer simulations provided by Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD), device engineers and process-integration engineers may develop and optimize semiconductor processes and devices using fewer silicon cycles and wafers.

Mozz TCAD offers advanced model caliberation, design of experiment (DoE), and result visualization in the integrative GUI environment, which builds upon the underlying physics-based process and device simulators. Mozz TCAD provides connectivity to the circuit design flow, including layout-driven structure creation, RC parasitic extraction and TCAD-based compact modeling.


Integrative Workbench Environment

Mozz Workbench is an integrated workbench for process simulation experiments. It adopts the concepts familiar to engineers, e.g. process module, split, wafer and split table. It also allows user to visualize these concepts and design experiments in a user-friendly GUI.

  • Workbench
    • Create process and device simulation flow organized in modules and steps
    • Automate simulations, data analysis and visualization
    • Feed parameters to and extract variables from simulations
    • Fine-grained control over execution and data flow in Python
    • Schedule tasks running multiple simulators from multiple vendors on computing farms of any size
    • Highly extensible with custom simulators and analysis scripts
    • Manage DoE projects in familiar spreadsheet-like GUI
  • Visualize
    • 1D/2D/3D visualization and data analysis
    • Advanced visualization of geometry, mesh and internal variables
    • Create 2D view with cut-plane from 3D structure
    • Create 1D plot with cut-line from 2D/3D structure
    • Rich X-Y data manipulation and graphing options
    • Built tools for common device parameter extraction
    • Fully scriptable with Pyhton code
  • Structure
    • geometric-based device structure editing
    • Create complex 3D device geometries when process simulation is not necessary
    • Interactive GUI with industrial strength geometry and meshing backend
    • Fully scriptable with Pyhton code


Process Simulation


Mozz Process supports 2D / 3D simulation of Si, SiGe, and SIC-based semiconductor processes, supporting process simulation from power devices to advanced logic devices. The following processes are modeled in Mozz Process.

  • Processes
    • Physics-based model
    • Ion implantation (based on tabular or Monte Carlo method)
    • Diffusion and dopant activation
    • Annealing/Thermal oxidation
    • Mechanical stress
    • Phenomenological model
    • Lithography
    • Etching
    • Deposition and epitaxial growth

Device Simulation

Mozz Device simulates the electrical characteristics of semiconductor devices under electrical, thermal and optical stimuli. Equiped with a hierarchy of incrementally more detailed physical models, Mozz Device is suited for analyzing and optimizing a wide range of semiconductor devices.

  • Devices
    • Logic, memory, analog and RF
    • Bulk, SOI, FinFET and nano-sheet FETs
    • SRAM, Flash and DRAM memory cells and mini-array
    • SiGe HBT, GaAs, InP and GaN HEMT
    • Power and renewable energy
    • LDMOS, VDMOS, IGBT and other Si-based power devices
    • GaN HEMT, SiC and Ga2O3 MOSFET
    • Silicon photovoltaic and multi-junction solar cells
    • Silicon photonics and optoelectronics
    • CCD, APS, SPAD and other image censors
    • detectors, modulators and other silicon photonic devices
    • SOA, FP laser, DFB laser and other III-V optoelectronic devices


Parasitic RC Extraction


Mozz RCEx is a 3D field solver for accurately extracting parasitic capacitance and resistance from detailed 3D device and interconnect structures, such as standard cells and SRAM cells, and export to SPICE netlists. It is an essential component in a DTCO flow as that allows circuit (SPICE) simulations to incorporate MEOL and BEOL information obtained from TCAD.


Mozz Extract is a fully-automated tool for extracting compact models of transistors from TCAD simulation results. It supports advanced compact models such as BSIM-CMG, global and bining modeling, and corner models. It is an essential component in a DTCO flow as a bridge between detailed TCAD FEOL device simulation and circuit simulation.
