Lithography modeling and mask synthesis

MoSizen® OPC provides a comprehensive resolution enhancement technology (RET) solution, encompassing a range of standardized technical modules, including rapid calculation of image intensity, rule-based and model-based mask correction, post-OPC verification, and sub-resolution assist feature insertion. This solution is designed to elevate photolithography precision and improve yield, ensuring a robust and reliable manufacturing process.



  • Optical Model
    • Rapid calculation of aerial image
    • Rapid TCC(Transmission Cross Coefficient)
    • The physical superposition effects of the light source and pupil on the mask patterns
    • 3D mask
  • Resist Model
    • A rich set of mathematical models
    • Full coverage of diffusion and other chemical reactions
    • Overfitting prevention
  • Comprehensive optimization
    • Efficient fitting computation module
    • Multi-parameter, multi-strategy optimization
    • Support for process window modeling workflow


Mask Process


  • BIAS
    • Rule-based mask distortion
    • Driven by pre-determined OPC rules
    • Support for rules in both tabular and itemized formats
  • SRAF
    • Generate sub resolution assistance feature
    • Rule-based sub-resolution assist feature insertion tool
    • Flexible and diverse rules for cleanup
    • Model-based mask correction
    • Possess a flexible and comprehensive set of fragmentation rules
    • Fragment movement based on image intensity
    • Complete and flexible mask rule constraints(MRC)
  • OPCV
    • A simulator for lithography and tool for verifying OPC results
    • Pinch, bridge and edge displacement error(EPE) check
    • Perform calculations for mask error enhancement factor(MEEF), image log-slope(ILS), normalized image log-slope (NILS) and process window(PW)
    • esults classification
