Cogenda Showcases Advanced Technology at ICREED2023

[Kunming, May 27, 2023] — At the "5th International Conference on Radiation Effects of Electronic Devices (ICREED2023)" held in Kunming, China, Cogenda Electronics Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of PFTN-SEMI, garnered considerable interest for its proficiency in radiation effect simulation software and solutions. The company presented its latest advancements in the field of radiation protection technology at the event.

The Cogenda booth was a central attraction, where the company's radiation effect simulation software was on display, tailored for forecasting and analyzing the performance of electronic devices under radiation exposure. These tools assist engineers and researchers in identifying potential radiation-related challenges during the design phase, leading to optimized device design and increased reliability in high-radiation settings such as space and nuclear facilities.


Moreover, Cogenda boasts an independently designed radiation-hardened Foundation IP library, offering an additional protective layer for electronic systems, thereby enhancing their stability in extreme environments. These technologies underscore the company's comprehensive approach to radiation protection, with a focus on both simulation software and holistic solution provision.


Throughout the conference, Cogenda engaged in extensive dialogues with industry experts globally, discussing the future trajectory of radiation effect simulation technology. The company has pledged to continue investing in technological innovation to deliver more precise radiation effect simulation software and solutions, ensuring the dependable operation of electronic components in high-radiation environments.
