MoSiZen OPC 2024.7 Released

[Suzhou, July 31, 2024] —— Suzhou Peifeng Tunan Semiconductor Co., Ltd. officially released the optical proximity correction (OPC) kit MoSiZen 2024.7 version, which is a leading yield enhancement kit in China. It includes modeling and simulation software MoSiZen Model, mask correction calculation software MoSiZen MOPC, mask correction verification calculation software MoSiZen OPCV, and layout display tool and suite MoSiZen LayoutView. Along with MoSiZen SRAF, a sub-resolution assisted graphics addition tool, and MoSiZen DRC, a design rule checking tool, form a complete industrial OPC software suite.

MoSiZen OPC series 2024.7 version is a domestic EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tool with all independent intellectual property rights, which is committed to improving the fab manufacturing yield and helping the domestic semiconductor wafer manufacturing industry to take off.
